Associations between emotion recognition and psychosocial outcomes in youth

Our work has highlighted the association between the capacity to decode others’ nonverbal emotional cues and indices of psychosocial functioning in adolescents.

  • Davis, S.K., Morningstar, M., & Qualter, P. (2020). Ability EI predicts recognition of dynamic facial emotions, but not beyond the effects of crystallized IQ. Personality and Individual Differences. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.109968

  • Davis, S.K., Morningstar, M., Dirks, M.A., & Qualter, P. (2020). Ability emotional intelligence: What about recognition of emotion in voices? Personality and Individual Differences, 160, 109938. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.109938

  • Morningstar, M., Dirks, M.A., Rappaport, B.I., Pine, D.S., & Nelson, E.E. (2019; ePub 2017). Associations between anxious and depressive symptoms and the recognition of vocal socio-emotional expressions in youth. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 48(3), 491-500. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2017.1350963

  • Morningstar, M., Nowland, R., Dirks, M.A., & Qualter, P. (2019). Loneliness and the recognition of vocal socio-emotional expressions in adolescence. Cognition & Emotion. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2019.1682971
