
Do children and adults use their voices differently to communicate their emotions to others?

Have you ever wondered whether children and adults express emotions in the same way? 🎭 Think of a toddler getting frustrated with a toy that won’t work, or of a teenager being angry about the rules their parents set. Is their expression of anger similar to that of an angry adult? 💭 This 2017 study looked at whether teenagers and adults used their voice differently when asked to communicate different emotions vocally (meaning, using their tone of voice). 🗣️ Speech analysis of their recordings showed that the two age groups, in fact, were NOT equivalent in the way they used pitch (how high or low your voice sounds) to express various emotions. 🤯 The results of this study suggest that teenagers don’t express their emotions in the same way adults do. This is important to keep in mind when interacting with adolescents! 💬 Have you noticed this in your daily life? Let us know in the comments below! (Thank you to Daniel Nault and Olivia Merulla for preparing these slides!) #research #ygk #developmentalpsychology #psychology #development #adolescence #science